Research Death Star was a cracker and a founding member of the PTL Club.
The Hermit
Research The Hermit was a founding member of the PTL Club.
Research Rambo was a founding member of the PTL Club.
Research PTL Club member with MYTH Inc. BBS from 1988 until January 01 1989. The board went down until 1990.1 Notes
The Grand Elusion
Research Member and cracker for PTL Club in 1987–1989. He was known as Mr. Transistor until September 1988.1 Notes
Specular Vision
Research Member and cracker for PTL Club in 1988–1989. He cracked Space Station Oblivion (october 1988) for MYTH Inc. board.
The Ranger
Research Sysop The Celestial Woodlands in Houston, TX. BSP member board in 1988–1989.
Holy Hand Grenade
Research Sysop Cemetery Gates in LA, CA. FiRM member board in 1989.
Lord Blix
Lord Blix was a cracker and sysop The Mudd BBS. He was member of the Bentley Sidwell Productions, The FiRM, The Humble Guys, United Software Association / Fairlight and Pentagram.
The Viper
Sysop for FiRM and later THG board Tinseltown Rebellion in Houston, Texas.